


The Book of Tea: 茶の本 続きの続き

The earliest record of tea in European writing is said to be found in the statement of an Arabian traveller, that after the year 879 the main sources of revenue in Canton were the duties on salt and tea. Marco Polo records the deposition o…

The Book of Tea: 茶の本

The Cup of Humanity 人情の碗 英文:岡倉天心 邦訳:吾郎(亀吾郎法律事務所代表) 私の文章は機械的に文体を診断にかけると、どうやら岡倉天心の文章に近いらしい.ほとんどの文章が機械的な診断のもと岡倉天心だとされる.ではその岡倉天心はどんな文章を…

Pandemic and Persona パンデミックと私のあり方

officegoro.com Photo by Christina Morillo on Pexels.com 以下の記事は2020年7月2日に医学誌The New England Journal of Medicine Perspectiveに掲載されたものを翻訳したものです.記事は無料で読めます.https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp201…

亀吾郎法律事務所が目指すところ What our office aims for

officegoro.com About a month has passed since we founded Kamegoro law office.Posting articles continuously makes us realise that we could gradually see things we aimed for. Now we would like to reconsider our weblog statement. Our mottos a…